6C’s for Entrepreneurial Success

Number 6

In his article for Entrepreneur Magazine, Fred Mouawad, Founder and CEO of Taskworld, outlines the six critical factors he believes are needed by entrepreneurs to increase their success. Do you agree with him? What would your list look like?

He states that Courage is the foundation of entrepreneurship – those of us with the courage to take the risk will reap the reward. The second “C” to him is Conviction, then Capabilities. We also agree that a strong belief and vision of the outcome, of success and surrounding yourself with the right people are critical factors to success.

Collaboration – having the right team at the right time and listening to them is the fourth “C”. Capital, any entrepreneur will tell you is key as well. You can’t get the idea off the ground without funding. Consciousness at first may sound ‘out there’ but it isn’t. Self awareness, knowing that there are things we don’t know, knowing there are obstacles we need to overcome, that there are things we’ve learned along the way is critical when understanding risks and planning for success.

Check out his article here and let us know – do you agree? Would you add any additional “C’s” to the list and if so, what are they? Let us know!