Who Do You Think You Are?
Identity, the idea of self-identification was so important and so prevalent in major news stories, that Dictionary.com picked ‘Identity’ as the 2015 word of the year.
This article on CNN.com, looks at the different ways identity has been referred to this year – used when discussing gender, sexuality, race and other key issues. The shift in how society thinks about identity is also outlined and major stories from 2015 are highlighted (Caitlyn Jenner, the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage, Black Lives Matter movement, etc.).
When we at Treps Nest speak about Identity we talk about how important it is in the success of an Entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is not an entrepreneur because they have that title, but because that is their Identity. They take on the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs; they are outcome focused, able to deal with uncertainty, have strong belief in what they are doing, and the right mindset and behaviors to support their business.
Without the transformation from holding the title ‘Entrepreneur’ to actually Being an entrepreneur, the Identity of an Entrepreneur, is not attained. If you would like to learn more about the Identity of an Entrepreneur, please join an upcoming live event where we discuss the Identity of an Entrepreneur in detail and why we know it is a critical component for success.